Fact Friday 438 - Park & Rec Turns 50

Happy Friday!

According to Mecklenburg County's July ParkGram, an email newsletter that "takes a monthly look at featured programs happening across Mecklenburg County," Meckenburg County Park and Recreation was formed in 1974 and is celebrating its 50th anniversary. Since its establishment, the department has provided a variety of programs and services to residents. 

Learn more about the department by visiting their website to see all they have to offer, including activities, events, career and volunteer opporutunities! 

Fun fact: Tuckaseegee Recreation Center also turns 50 this year. 


Sources:  Mecklenburg County Park and Recreation ParkGram, July 2024

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“History is not the past, it is the present. We carry our history with us. We are our history.” - James Baldwin

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